Saturday, August 12, 2006


New to me:

The Neglected Books Page

By its own account:

"Here you'll find lists of thousands of books that have been neglected, overlooked, forgotten, or stranded by changing tides in critical or popular taste."

As a sample, a reader recommendation for Will Eisner's A Contract With God:

…the first graphic novel and the one that paved the way for that new literary form[.] Reading a graphic novel is a different experience from reading pure text, but the same parts of the brain are exercised, unlike watching videos, which utilizes fewer. And graphic novels re-engage reluctant readers and hone their reading and comprehension skills.

I’ll second that. I discovered Contract with God about the same time that I read Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Shadow on the Hudson.They sketch different but overlapping portraits of a lost New York City.

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