Monday, August 28, 2006

Pensées Sauvages

The macaca circus is turning into a pile-on and it is hard to find anything left unsaid (see here, here, here and heaven knows how many others). But let me offer a point which I (at least) haven’t noticed elsewhere.

Among the macacistas, much is made of the fact that young Mr. Sidarth is a native Virginian and that Allen is not. This is thought to be an irony.

It seems to me that this gets things backwards. Recall that macaca turns out to be an imperialist slur for the natives. In that sense, Allen has it precisely right. Allen helicopters in from Palos Verdes, uses and abuses the locals, and then fires of a blast at them for being shiftless and irresponsible (and, in the habit of the time, ungrateful).

"I do apologize if [they're] offended that," he might say.

There now, is that so hard? If Hillary had said it about a New Yorker, I’ll bet even The Corner could have figured it out.

Now this (from Sepiamutiny -- thanks, Anupam):

1 comment:

The New York Crank said...

Wait, wait, wait, WAIT! All these photographs have me confused. Which is Allen, which is Mr. Macaca, who's the monkey and who's on first? And is the guy on first Jewish, or is that what's on first?

Forgive me if I sound thick, but I just got back from Europe and I'm still having trouble with my English. I had a hell of a time getting my presciption nasal spray through German airport security in Franknfort (see my own blog) and that must be what caused it.

--The New York Crank