Saturday, September 09, 2006

Weekend Reading: Wish I'd Written That

We fritter away out time so you don't have to. Go straight here:

What not to do on 9/11:

Those personally affected by these outrages may have their own private memorials. But to hallow the events with repetitious publicity turns a squalid crime into a constantly revitalised political act. It grants the jihadists what they most crave, warrior status. It more than validates terrorism as a weapon of war, it glorifies it. (Full text here)

The press as an echo:

If Bush suffers a major political setback [in November], the media will feel freed up to tear into this war as they have never done before. Again, it will not be a conscious, orchestrated decision -- there will be no covert meeting at which senior editors and producers conspire to declare Iraq an epic failure. But the pack will change direction, as it always does when it smells blood. (Full text here)

What to do before graduate school :

Item 10 on the list: Fire someone, especially someone you like. A commentator adds: The firing should involve someone with a spouse and a baby. (Full list here).

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