Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Purgated Edition

Roger Price once proposed to publish a book in a purgated edition. That’s the one where the publisher goes through and underlines the dirty words in blue pencil.

I long ago made myself a promise that I would not waste any time reading anything by the court stenographer Bob Woodward. Kevin Drum rattled my resolve the other day by pointing out that Woodward is, at least, an infallible guide to establishment thinking.

Fortunately, FP lets me sidestep my dilemma by furnishing me with a purgated edition. Like this. And this.

Looking for Iraqi weapons in Lebanon reminds me of an old Bulwinkle episode (I quote from memory):

Bullwinkle: So this is Washington!

Rocky: No, you fool, it’s McKeesport, Pennsylvania. We couldn’t afford the full fare.

Fn: kudos to the first guy who saw that Woodward was an empty suit. Link here.

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