Sunday, December 31, 2006

My Year in Cities

Sure, might as well join the party (inspiration, Kottke):

New York NY*

Alexandria VA*

Santa Fe NM

Arroyo Grande CA

San Francisco CA*

San Jose CA

Davis CA*

Portland OR

Ashland OR*

Jerusalem IS

Sodom IS

Tiberias IS

Galilee IS

Haifa IS

Tel Aviv IS

Petra JO

Aqaba JO

Amman JO

That's the list of cities "away from home" in which I spent more than one night last year; stars represent repeat, nonconsecutive visits. New York and Alexandria are a bit of a cheat: I was living and working in the east for five months last spring, splitting my time between those two places--so I guess you could argue they were "home" for a while (but I never spent seven consecutive nights in either place--lots of Amtrak). "IS" and "JO" are, of course, Israel and Jordan, where Mrs. B. and I tromped over archaeological sites last fall. I have no idea that these are bona fide postal codes, but they look right. Santa Fe and San Francisco are opera visits; Portland and Arroyo Grande are grandchildren.

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