Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"Fixing Broken Windows" and the Ic Factor

I vented on "The Democrat Party" a few days ago. It was an idle whim; nothing has ever come of this sort of thing before, and I didn't expect anything now. In particular, I recalled how Democrats rarely responded to this petty slur because they couldn't figure out a good way to get a handle on it.

But welcome to the blogosphere. In a refreshing new tendency that might be called "no slur left behind," some of the better non-crazy left bloggers are jumping on board and doing their best to keep the issue alive: link; link; link; link.

Well, God bless. Perhaps what we see here is a new flowering of the "Fixing Broken Windows" crime policy--police even small crimes, to show you mean business, and to keep criminals so snarled up in the system that they don't have time for anything bigger.

An added benefit is that my attention has been called to this Hendrik Hertzberg piece, which demolishes the "ic" strategy about 10 times better than I did myself.

Fn: And just for the record, the decline of crime in New York City had less to do with Rudolph Giuliani--and more to do with his predecessor, David Dinkins--than the Giuliani campaign is likel to tell to. For a refresher, look here.

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