Thursday, March 01, 2007

Use a Donkey, Go to Jail

Running around and trying to put out a midterm, so not able to write about stuff I’d like to write about. Left to link to other good stuff.

Like the ever-dependable Patrick Kurp, though I am not quite certain what moral I should draw from this piece

Or Patrick Lang, speaking on a subject that he really knows something about (clarification: I think Lang almost always knows whereof he speaks; I wish others would profit from his example).

Or Glenn Greenwald, who just keeps getting better and better (put up with the Salon gateway: not all that burdensome, and worth it).

Or Elizabeth Warren on another tsunami.

Or this, which beggars description. But here’s a teaser:

He was also charged with damage to a mini-bar in the room, but this charge was later dropped when the defendant said that it was the donkey who caused that damage.

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