Sunday, April 01, 2007

150 Graduates?

My friend John, who is up early for a Sunday morning, reports that there are 150 graduates of Pat Robertson's Regents University in the Bush Administration (link). It's a fascinating datum in any event, but I am not quite sure how to evaluate it. The original source appears to be Regents' own website (link). Have we any particular reason to believe they are telling the truth here? How to way the odds of truth versus, say, naked marketing hype?

Fn: The story also says that a Regents grad provided a private jet to fly Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia down to Regents. But the campus is in Virginia Beach, right? That's a three-hour, 43 minute hop down the interstate from DC (map). The flight was 32 minutes, according to the sponsor (link). Considering airport hassles, was flying that-all much faster than driving?

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