Wednesday, May 02, 2007

At Last!

At long last, the book is out--the Fourth Edition of Bankruptcy in Practice, co-authored (under my nom de banqueroute) with Michael Bernstein. This one proved unusually onerous. That's partly thanks to Congress, who went and mucked up the bankruptcy law in 2005; partly due to my co-author and his pussy insistence that we Get Things Right, and perhaps most of all due to the idea that the whole project has kind of lost its new-book smell (the first edition was more fun: bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, as the fella says). True enthusiasts can follow up here; buy now, and be sure to get extras for the kiddies.

[Afterthought--might as well tout the other one while I'm at it: Bankruptcy Overview, which I worked on at the same time, is a non-technical outline targeted at legislative staffers, journalists, and the like. Available here.]

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