Monday, June 04, 2007

What You've Been Reading

I’ve had a new site meter for a couple of weeks now (I had another one earlier but it got trashed in the transition to New Blogger). Anyway, it is amusing (at least to me) to review who comes here, and why.

First: this is pretty much a friends-and-family blog, a sleepy little byway on the information autobahn. Palookaville is that kind of town: we relax in our rockers on the back porch, watching the bluebottles buzz.

Once in a while, we get a link from a big-league blog and the hits shoot up like we’re going into an insulin coma. This happened a couple of weeks ago, for example, when Brad DeLong linked an appreciation I did (with stolen anecdote) of Sam Bowles (link). Even moreso when Rick Perlstein linked a piece I did on Mitt Romney and the ancient history of the car business (link). Even more than that when somebody else picked up the Perlstein link (but I can’t seem to find that link).

Setting aside these “redirected” links, I see Google links from everywhere, and on every conceivable topic. I picked up an AP story (via my friend Larry) on capital punishment, and got a link from Beijing. I get quite a few links to to a piece I did on “The Best Republican President” (link)—but my candidate was Jimmy Carter and I strongly suspect it was not the searcher was looking for. For no reason that I can possibly imagine, I have been getting a fair number of hits on a piece I did about Barabas in Christopher Marlowe’s Jew of Malta (link). I still get hits on the very second post I ever wrote—about the definition of “Cafoni” in Italian (link). I’ve been getting quite a few hits lately to a piece I wrote months ago about the end of The Sopranos (we wait for the DVDs, so we don’t know what is happening on that front) (link).

But perhaps the most successful piece in months, possibly ever is this one (link). When in doubt, give ‘em a giant hog.

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