Saturday, July 07, 2007

My Two Cents on Impeachment

Lots of attention this weekend to the polling data on impeachment (link). I'm still not for it; conceded that this presidency is a train wreck, I still think there are better things for Congress to do with its time. But I am impressed that 86 percent of Republicans still oppose impeachment (with one percent undecided). That means that 13 percent of his own party -- the most loyal rump of the rump--have cut and run.

Oh, and as to "Impeach Cheney"--note that the cognoscenti were here months ago (link).

Followup: Rasmussen, via TPM, says 16 percent (sted 13) (link). TPM also points out that more people favor impeaching Bush now than favored impeaching Clinton while he was being impeached.


bigboy said...

I find the comments stating,"this administration is a train wreck" amusing. I'm 54 years old and our economy is the best it has ever been. The stock market has hit all time highs and we haven't been attacked in the continental U.S. since 9/11. Doesn't sound like this administration has done all that bad. Oh yea, the democratically controlled senate and congress both have the same approval ratings as our president, imagine that. By the way, I have a son stationed in 29 Palms waiting deployment to Iraq, and he seems to think that we are doing the right thing over there. My vote goes with my son, and I hope G.W. doesn't ever govern by polls.

Jodin said...

Help The Final Push to Impeachment

It's time! is traveling to Washington DC at the end of this month to deliver thousands of Do-It-Yourself Impeachment Memorials to key representatives in the House!

Support for impeachment is building. As of this writing, 14 reps are supporting Dennis Kucinich's resolution to impeach Dick Cheney (H. Res. 333).

Even if you've sent them to your congressperson before, Click here to send us your DIY Memorials before we go.

You may not realize that the only thing standing between where we are today and a nationally televised impeachment investigation is the House Judiciary passing this resolution, which is currently awaiting consideration in their committee. The head of this committee, John Conyers, has said recently that he supports the national impeachment movement.

All we need to push it over the edge is public support, and that's where we come in.

Video of our trip will be posted on our website shortly upon our return. We'll let you know when it's up!

Click here to be a part of this!

Here's a funny video about this unique strategy