Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hey Wait,They Use Anaesthesia in New Jersey?

Aetna wants to stop paying for anaesthesia during colonoscopy; New Jersey doctors protest (link), Underbelly's Wichita bureau explains:

Hello, I’m your gastroenterologist and I’m going to ram this snake up your colon but your insurance won’t pay for anaesthesia so you are going to be awake during the whole thing. Aetna will allow you to have moderate sedation so please hold still while we hit you on the head with this rubber mallet. We’d give you some aspirin but that causes bleeding so just bite this belt, please and hold the screaming to a minimum. Oh, nurse, where are my noise canceling Bose headphones?

My first suggestion would be that all members of the top management and the committee who recommended the policy change first have to undergo the procedure twice before putting it in place.

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