Monday, February 25, 2008


My friend Penobscot has been sending me stuff about Zeitgeist the movie, previously unknown to me. Here’s the BoingBoing link (where do they get this stuff?). Here’s a Wiki. I wish I had some clever insights. It is, indeed, the first time I’ve ever seen a two-hour clip on YouTube (which is not to say I watched it—nor that I plan to). I guess I’m a bit surprised to see that the villain of the piece is Christians—I thought conspiracy theorists usually saved this stuff for Jews. I am amused to find that one of the cross refs from Wiki is to an article on fractional reserve banking. I must say—I don’t teach this stuff in any formal way, but it does come up from time to time, and that when I try to explain it to students, a fair number of them conclude that it must be a scam. I suppose it might be me. But it might be that this is about as complicated and contentious a subject as you are likely to find, one that is very hard to get right, or at any rate almost impossible to present in a non-contentious manner. So, ripe for deployment in any kind of conspiracy theory.

And so, of Zeitgeist, I guess you’d just have to say it is part of the temper of the times, heh heh.

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