Sunday, June 15, 2008

Water--Maybe You Could Drink It!

Utah Phillips used to do a routine about the great turtle drive from El Paso to Denver. You can back-engineer most of the jokes, but I did enjoy the punch line which was something on the order of: hey, if we can do this for turtles, maybe we can do it for cattle!

Comes now Underbelly’s Kansas bureau with news in the same vein from the that loutish, loonish parade of greed and blunders we call the Ethanol, um, “industry”—apparently somebody has got the bright idea of turning the stuff into food (link). Well enough in its way, I suppose, but I sign on with the Kansas bureau in asking how many operators—in a business that makes no economic sense anyway “will have the capital to put in a new process that costs $200MM per plant.”

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