Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Magical Moment

There's a guy who sits in the back of the Palookaville cafe most mornings pecking away on a big ol' Dell Inspiron laptop. I've heard him tell people he is working on a novel, and I have no doubt he believes this to be true. This morning I heard him chatting with an acquaintance:
Yes, she tells me I get to do one fun thing every day, and this is my fun thing.

Later, I go to CostCo...
Observation: CostCo is, indeed a critical waystation in the insidious demasculinization of the planet, not so? I mean, first you get them to buy vodka and tri-tip. Next, you've got them hauling out cases of Pellegrino. And first thing you know, they're buying panty hose with a coupon.

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