Thursday, August 07, 2008

Niche Marketing: McCain Campaign

John McCain is mocking Barack Obama for inflating his tires. Obama marvels that some people seem to like being ignorant.

Sadly, Obama is right: some people do like being ignorant, and the current uproar suggests just how large and devoted this contingent may be.

A visual aid may help. At right is a commercial that the McCain folks are circulating. It includes what appears to be a tire gauge (sorry, the "contribute" link won't work).

This is a production error. In fact, what they want is not a tire gauge but a dipstick. A broken dipstick, as at left. Or perhaps simply a limp dipstick.

Meanwhile, whatever the McCain team may know about dipsticks, they certainly have plenty of experience with gasbags. All of which denotes the campaign market niche that cries out for recognition:

Overinflated limp dipsticks for McCain

The hell of it is, they may be a majority.

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