Saturday, November 29, 2008


This is late, but I just caught up with it: Marcello Giordani, who spent last Saturday afternoon playing Faust at the Met, spent last Saturday evening playing Pinkerton in Madam Butterfly--a stand-in for Roberto Aronica. What sort of precedents are there for this, I wonder? I can remember a few years back in London when I saw one guy play Prince Hal (Henry V) in all three Shakespeare Henry plays in one day. But tht's just talk. How often does anyone do it with singing?


The New York Crank said...
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The New York Crank said...

First it was "yessirree Bob" (not "Bop.") Now it's "Twofer," not "Twopher" that falls victim to your prose.

"Twofer" comes from two "fer" the price of one. Two "pher" the price of one just ain't Brooklynese. Take it from me. I grew up in Brooklyn.

Whazzamatterwit youse?

Crankily yours,
The New York Crank

P.S. My crack typo detection team removed the previous comment which said essentially the same thing — but with typos.

Buce said...

I'm a fashion-setter: