Wednesday, December 24, 2008

All In the Family

A MetaFiler query begins:

Argh! I just found my dad on facebook. Do I add him as a friend?

(link). The responses are inevitably diverse but a number of them agree that it's a pretty creepy idea. We have the problem at Chez Buce, cubed. I, my son, his wife, and their daughter, are all on Facebook, and we are all linked. They haven't taken me (or each other) out yet, although there are surely times when they would be just as glad if I were not around. But it seems to me the issue runs both ways. When I write for this blog, one thing that runs through my mind is--omigawd, my grandkids might be reading this.

So far, it doesn't seem to be have been an issue. And by the way for contrast, Mrs. Buce never looks at the blog at all. She says she figures she's heard it all before.

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