Friday, January 02, 2009

Now, That's What I Call Capitalism!

Raghu Rajan got a well-deserved shoutout New Years' night from The Wall Street Journal (link) and its blog (link), for having been a skeptic back when the world was full of believers. Rajan is co-author (with Luigi Zingales) of Saving Capitalism from Capitalists. Amazon sales rank for the paperback, as of 7:26 am today: #146,917. As of 9:53 am today: #62,917.

Update: 11:44 am #73,295. Oops. I was about to concede that the early morning jump might mean going from one sale to two. But what does this mean? A return?

1 comment:

ha’penny said...

It just means that some other book sold a copy. Recent sales count more than old sales. See “Only one copy left” for a report of the fate of my book, which fell 80,000 places in one day.