Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama Administration, Day #7

Prominent lefty blogger:

I suppose President Obama deserves credit for trying.

Okay, beyond the snark: the writer is addressing what he calls the "good faith effort" to win support for the stimulus package. I am of at least one and a half minds about this. I certainly do not want to go back to the days of Karl Rove and 50.01 percent--not good government and in the end, not even very good politics. I believe in talking to your worst enemies (or at least listening, amazing what you might learn). But I've got the uneasy sense that Obama thinks he might accomplish something with all this earnest goodwill. That's an idea that is best approached with far more skepticism than hope. Why, it's almost as if he was talking to an Arab TV network.

Idle question, did any ally of FDR's greet the seventh day of his administration with "I suppose he deserves credit for trying"--?

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