Thursday, January 15, 2009

She's What ?

Via Philip Greenspun, I learn that Thomas Friedman proposes that public schoolteachers pay no income tax (link).

My strongest response is--Friedman's wife is a schoolteacher? Wiki reports that she is part of the (mega) Bucksbaum clan, developers of shopping centers and all-round billionaires (but 2008 was not good to them, apparently). It is said also that the Friedmans live in an 11,400 square foot house next to the Bethesda Country Club. If she truly slugs it out in the classoom every day, then I must say I tip my hat to her. But I feel there must be an angle here somewhere.

My second thought was--I wonder how many schoolteachers now pay income tax? And how many qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit. But the answer seems to be: not that many. Comapre this with this.

Snark afterthought: just coincidentally,the average teacher's pay seems to be somewhere in the range of what this guy failed to pay in taxes.

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