Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More on Doctors

Guess you can't expect too much from Slate's answer person, but their answer to the question "where have all the doctors gone?" seems pretty thin to me (link). Okay, baby boom doctors are burning out (or rich enough that they can go play golf). And okay we imported a raft of foreign doctors a few years ago. But this is only scratches the surface. Are we still importing doctors? if not, why not? How much "doctor" work are we shifting to nurse practitioners and physician's assistants? Enough? Too much?

And here's a thought: with the collapse of banking, will some of our bright young things begin to rediscover their inner Marcus Welby (or at least J.D. Dorian)? A lot more to be said on this topic, and I'm waiting with watchful eye, or ear.


Greenspun on Doctors

A Second Thought on the Supply of Doctors

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