Friday, May 01, 2009

Wonder If She Ever Strangled a Chicken

Well, God Save Her! The Wichita bureau calls our attention to the fact that some €500,000 in farm subsidy payments last year went to (hats off) the Queen--Her Majesty, Elizabeth II, which ought to explain the gracious smirk smile on her face in the link from

It's nice to be able to put a face on this sort of thing. American farm subsidies, which almost certainly deserve their name as our most generous corporate welfare program, are far too often opaque, hidden behind the mind-numbing brand names of corporations or (ha!) cooperatives. Here, for example is EWG's list of top porkers for 2006; not a sentient human being among them. You can do a little better if you punch down to the local level. Here, for example is the list for San Francisco. It includes a few of what you might call "real people," but I wouldn't check for calluses.

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