Thursday, July 09, 2009

Brave Men There Were Before Agamemnon, Not a Few...

From a small museum in Utica, near Tunis:

That is:
D(is) M(anibus)
c(ohortis) I F(laviae) A(frorum)
nes eo fec(erunt)
v(ixit) a(nnos) XXII
In English:
To the divine shades.
a soldier
of the First Flavian Cohort of Africans.
His fellow sol-
diers made this for him.
He lived 22 years.

Or "C I f a" might be "Centuratio I Fecit Annorum", i.e., "He served out one year as a centurion." Thanks to Michael and Pedar for translating; Michael adds: "The Latin is a bit shaky, especially eo, which would normally be ei (dative ei rather than ablative eo)."

The carving is obviously somewhat unstudied. And it is a rough, unfinished piece of stone. I.e., a labor of love, soldiers to a soldier.

Thanks also to Pedar also for making sure I didn't overlook it.

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