Wednesday, July 08, 2009

It's Getting to be a Meme...

... but you heard it here first:

Would a world without men really be so bad?

With scientists now claiming they can make sperm in a lab, does the world need men any more, asks Tanya Gold

[T]he possibility grows (and I'm wilfully hopping and skipping and bouncing over the science bit here) that we will at some vague point in the future be able to breed without men.

And so a misanthropic fantasy is conjured: what would a world without men be like? Would it be a gently slumbering paradise, full of women eating pot noodles and watching Dallas? Would there be more gilded, stripy cushions, but less armed robbery? Or would it be like being trapped in an Overeaters Anonymous meeting, or at an all girls' school - for ever?

Let us examine our history and see how men - the master race for all of our recorded history in almost every corner of every human civilisation - have fared so far. Applying all the fairness and equilibrium of my sex, naturally. And then I must ask myself: could women do better? ...
You can guess where this is going. For details, go here (H/T Joel). But she goes all squiggly at the end, with some saucy hints about the bonobo.

Afterthought: Tanya, meet W.C. Fields: If they didn't &%#!, there'd be a bounty on 'em.

1 comment:

they call me trouble said...

And it gives darn near the most honest explanation I've ever heard for Sting.