Saturday, October 03, 2009


Seems that every vehicle in Central Rome these days that isn't a motorcycle is a SmartCar. I first thought they were all rent-and-drop vehicles but no; these are virtually all owner-occupied. I did see one that was apparently a loaner from the tire store, and another that bore a Monaco license plate--does this mean a long drive, or is it just a tax dodge?

Smart cars make all the sense in the world in Rome, I suppose, because you can park a dozen of them in a cupcake tin--or (as above) in the middle of a parade of motorcycles. Exactly why they would not make any sense in Palookaville, which is still pretty much wide open spaces. You also see a fair number of Mini Coopers (or is it Minis Cooper?), I suppose for similar reason.

But wait, I can think of one more care at least as popular in Rome as the SmartCar: that would be the lurking, lowering, BMW, frequently with the little blue light on top that tells you the proprietor is a power guy whose need to Get There is more important than your own. Some of these are cops but some seem to be just guys in suits (with drivers). Way it was told to me, Rome now has some sort of permit system for vehicles in the Centro Storico. Apparently the limit was voted in by guys with BMWs who now find their own driving so much more convenient.

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