Friday, November 13, 2009

Annals of Judicial Humor

ATL is reporting on the travail of as Minnesota judge who so far forget himself as to utter a one-liner. He said:
I've been married 45 years. We've never considered divorce. A few times murder, maybe.
Okay, har de har. But as ATL recalls, "we live in America, the land of perpetually bunched panties" (har de har again). And the judge is in a spit storm.

I won't begin to recount all the details of the fewferaw, but so far as I can tell, nobody seems to have noticed that the great progenitor of that remark is the wife of the late Billy Grahm (see a Google search with 3.88 million hits). If you can't wrap yourself in that much sanctity, we truly are screwed.

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