Friday, January 22, 2010

For Further Reading.,..

I'm back to schoolteaching for the moment, and it seems to be absorbing a formidable amount of my intellectual energy. So my blog posts seem to be fewer and more trifling. I hope this won't last, but in the meantime, this might be a good time for me to showcase my own current fave blog reading:
  • Capital Gains and Games. Already a strong team, made stronger by the insourcing of Bruce Bartlett, they don't always integrate tightly but still a great one-stop shop for a lot of good analysis.
  • FiveThirtyEight. Everybody writes about politics, mostly yada yada. Nate Silver actually brings new stuff to the table.
  • Naked Capitalism. Hard to choose between half a dozen good financial bloggers (Ritholz, Salmon, Kedrosky, etc.). If I had to choose one, I'd say Yves Smith is most likely to come up with original in-depth journalism that I haven't seen elsewhere.
  • Then if I really want something to wake me up in the morning, I go skim DeLong's "X Economic Pieces Worth Reading"--Brad likes to noodle around with the toys, he might consider trying to construct a single feed for this stuff alone.
Guilty pleasure: OHINYC, not civilized at all. Now, like I said, the work is backing up.

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