Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maybe We Could Dip the Bullets in Pig Fat

...because Homer loves porkchops (link). That should appeal to "John Redfield says he doesn't see a problem with American troops using gun sights that have the numbers of Bible verses inscribed on them:
The perfect parallel that I see," said Maj. John Redfield, spokesperson for CentCom, told ABC News, "is between the statement that's on the back of our dollar bills, which is 'In God We Trust,' and we haven't moved away from that." Said Redfield, "Unless the equipment that's being used that has these inscriptions proved to be less than effective for soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and military folks using it, I wouldn't see why we would stop using that.
In the same theme, every shell could bear a reference to Deuteronomy 10:16:

Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.

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