Thursday, March 18, 2010

Away Again

We're decamping to Manhattan to see some opera--including the Shostakovich Nose and Thomas' Hamlet. I suppose I'll have blog access but I'm a bit blogged out at the moment so I may just let it slide. Look for new stuff here around March 27.

Meanwhile, wallow in some oldies:
What Bruce Bartlett Really Meant to Say

The Best Finance Book I've Read So Far This Year

LolCat Bible

Barton on Shakespeare

If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Poor?

Bernie and the Birth Certificate

So Now It's "All In This Together"

My Cousin Dodie and Mr. Snitz Noodle

Economics: Who's Using Whom?

1 comment:

Toni said...

If the reviews are to be trusted and if he's as good as Hamlet as he is as Don Giovanni on DVD, you're in for a treat when you see Simon Keenlyside. Enjoy your trip.