Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Everything You Already Know About Porn
But were Too Coy to Own Up to

Natasha Vargas-Cooper's conspectus of the online porn landscape is about as thorough a survey as you are likely to get without the services of (tee hee) personal trainer, but she does lift my eyebrows with one factoid: only two thirds of all online porn watching is done by men.  That means fully one third is being being watched by--ah, what other choices are there?    I'm probably not informed enough to guess what all those non-men are doing hunkered down around the YuVuTu campfire.    Compulsion by boyfriends (Look at that honey!  Wouldn't that be fun?)?  Lezporn?  Or, considering the exhaustive nature of Vargas-Cooper's research, it may be the one-third-women figure comprises nothing more than Vargas-Cooper herself.

Afterthought:  Consider the index: The Atlantic certainly is banking on the proposition that sex sells, not so?

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