Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Everything Blocker

I think the Charlie Sheen Internet Blocker is a fine thing, but why not generalize?  Why doesn't Google allow me to assemble my news aggregator with a "minus" tag so I can freeze out inflation, prostate cancer, starving children, declining water table  and Peter King?  Add new meaning to the notion of The Daily Me.

Fn.  Of course there is a perfectly good way to get more than halfway to the goal: cut the cable.   We cut it some months back; of "the Bieber kid, Madonna, Britney, the Jonas bros. and Miley Cyrus"--as per a BoingBoing commentator, I'm not sure I could get to a passing grade.   I do remember Madonna--wouldn't she be advertising Depends by now?   I guess I recognize the name of Britney but I am not sure I could pick her out of a crowd.   I guess I recognize the names of "the Bieber kid [and] the Jonas bros.," but I swear, until this moment I never heard of Miley Cyrus.  Ah, freedom...


Ken Houghton said...

"I guess I recognize the names of "the Bieber kid [and] the Jonas bros.," but I swear, until this moment I never heard of Miley Cyrus."

Waves and waves of searing envy, as Spock said of the Horta. Followed quickly by the presumption that you don't have pre-Tween great- or great-great grandchildren.

There are problems (or, at least, issues): blocking Peter King (R-LonGislandistan) would probably also block Peter King (football reporter, SI). And H**v*n forfend that someone named Peter King started a shooting rampage near the reader....

Scott said...

On the Madonna issue, there is a great New Yorker cartoon titled "Madonna and Child" here.