Friday, March 04, 2011

Wisdom in the Mellow Autumnal Glow...

Alternate title: what you can say when you are not running for reelection:
Retiring Mayor Richard Daley on Thursday contended America is a "country of whiners" that's spent the last four decades fearing the impact of foreign governments on the nation's economy instead of showing the confidence and sacrifice to lead on a global stage.

Daley also said he believed taxpayers can no longer finance the current level of government and suggested priorities need to be placed on municipal services that can be privatized or outsourced to cut costs.

The comments by the veteran mayor, who is giving way to
Rahm Emanuel on May 16...

1 comment:

dilbert dogbert said...

"suggested priorities need to be placed on municipal services that can be privatized or outsourced to cut costs."
If the government agency does not know how to write contracts, evaluate them or to monitor them, I think the savings can fly out the window.