Friday, April 22, 2011

One I Actually Never Heard Before

Roy offers:
There was a young curate of Kew
Who kept a tom cat in a pew;
He taught it to speak
Alphabetical Greek
But it never got farther than μ.
I first read it as "never got farther than p" which also works, I think. And I do recall:
There was a young curate of Kew
Whose limericks stopped at line two.
And, of course:
There was a young man from Verdun.  
And needless to say, it's fine to learn a limerick that starts with "a young curate of Kew," and does not end by grossing you out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This of course is a similar vein as my favorite limerick:

There was a young man from the sticks
Who liked to write limericks
But he failed at the sport
'cuz he wrote them too short.