Idle afterthought: does anyone but me note a certain overlap between the celebrated non-conservative Bruce Bartlett and the celebrated Marxist, Doug Henwood? The convergence is not complete, of course, but they're both ornery freethinkers with a knack for tossing stink bombs into the vacuities and fatuities of ordinary debate.
Followup: And each has an impressive Facebook presence. BTW, David Frum does not belong to this club: he is Canadian, which is something else altogether.
Take a look at Henwood's personal history
As a yoot (as they said in "My Cousin Vinny"), he was a pretentious conservative for a couple of years (see also, here, here and here).
Weird: The marcel of the previous comment is not me (I am pretty sure I'm the only marcel who has previously commented on this blog), but I was about to make the exact same point as the previous comment does. In addition, I especially appreciate the reference to one of my favorite movies.
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