Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I see I have a hit this morning from Bow, NH. That's nice. New Hampshire is my natal state and I'm always a little chuffed that I don't seem to get more New Hampshire action. I see that the median household income up in Bow is now $79,329, which is probably about the same as what the aggregate income was when I left there so long ago (link) (the winter temperature, however, still averages 22 degrees).

My aunt Olive used to live just over the town line in Concord. There was as lake--I suppose there still is--that straddled the boundaries of Bow and Concord and Hopkinton, next door. They had some kind of a contest to the name the lake. My aunt Olive suggested "Con-Hop-Bokinton." It did not win, but hey, folks, there is always time to reconsider.

1 comment:

Jenny McB said...

I had not heard about the pond/lake naming contest and I am walking distance to all three towns.
But your aunt's name reminded me of when Bow was building their high school, it was mentioned that we could combine with Dunbarton, but then it might be called Dunbo high....
Interesting blog here, may have to come back for more news.