Saturday, March 22, 2008


Michael O’Hare has a cute post up (link) on one of my favorite questions: if we do get (must be?) resurrected, what shape will we be in? Does the blind guy get to bring his guide dog? Picking up on a Washington Post piece, he says he is “astonished to learn” that the doctrine is enjoying a, well, I guess you could say a resurrection.

It may be back, but I didn’t know that it had been away. Here’s Thomas Aquinas:

"Man will rise again without any defect of human nature, because just as God founded human nature without defect, thus will He restore it without defect. Now human nature is deficient in a twofold manner: in one way because not yet obtained its ultimate perfection; and in a second way, because it has already receded from its ultimate perfection. Human nature is deficient in the first way in children, and in the second way in the aged. And therefore in each of these, human nature will be brought back by the resurrection to the state of ultimate perfection, which is in the state of youth, toward which the movement of growth is terminated, and from which the movement of degeneration begins."

Lots more where that came from, i.e., here (link). Just reporting, folks, don’t shoot the messenger.

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