Wednesday, April 02, 2008

We Have Met the Enemy and...

They asked the Duke of Wellington if he thought his troops would scare the enemy. I don't know, he said, but they certainly scare me. Now this, just in from the campaign trail in Pennsylvania:

Of Obama, Duser said: "I'm not crazy about voting for a colored guy, but that's not why I don't support Obama. I'm not prejudiced. I just like Hillary."

A couple tables over, Jean Fetterman, a foster grandparent, said of Clinton: "Oh, I love her. She's a very intelligent person, and she has her husband who went through this."

She scoffs at the idea of voting for Obama: "I don't want to be a Muslim!" She looks dubious when told Obama is Christian. "Then why did he go see what's-his-name over in Iraq, that Lama?"

From McClatchey, via Michael Bérubé.

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