Friday, November 07, 2008

We Are All Mutts Now

Commentators are finding good-natured comedy in Obama's -press-conference disclosure that the new First Dog will be "a mutt like me." Fair enough, but I'd take it more seriously. I find it touching, even telling: Obama sees himself as a shelter dog, and he doesn't want to trigger any allergies. It's a rare bit of self-disclosuire from a person who is, at the end of the day, intensely private.

I would offer one item of friendly counsel to the His Mutthood, however: it has been my experience that self-conceived "outsiders" often exaggerate the inner complacency of those they perceive as being inside the velvet cord. I've known a few insiders in my day, and have been accused at times of being one myself. Don't be misled, Mr. President-elect. It's my perception that most of these guys are far more panicky and insecure than they let on. In particular, do not be fooled by their transparent bravado: a lot of it is just whistling past the graveyard.

So please do get the shelter dog, Mr. President-elect: it's a wonderful gesture, in a realm where gestures count. But don't be sidetracked by appearances: you may strike a chord with far more people than you expect.

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