Thursday, January 01, 2009

Georgraphy is Destiny: The Polish Election

Here's one I stumbled on by accident:
...but it's pretty good proof that old habits are slow to change. The black line is the 19th Century Bismarkian (Wilhemian) Germany Empire. The colored splotches are modern Poland. The brown splotches are the "Civic Platform," roughly the successor to the Christian Democrats, "market conservatives," favoring privatization and the flat tax, opposing gay marriage and abortion . The blues are the populist-conservative "Law and Justice" party, descendant, in part of the Solidarity movement, also conservative on social issues but without the free-market heresy. Be interesting, if you could do it, to try to chart out the parallel split in the United States, where free-market and populist conservatives for many years have shared the same (Republican) party political space--although this year, quite a good many of the natual "market liberal" voters voted for Obama.

Source:Wikia, via Strange Maps and Andrew Cusack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why would a market liberal vote for Obama?

Seriously that makes no sense.