Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rush and AIG

Leftbloggers are full of outrage at He Who Must Be Obeyed for coming to the defense of the AIG bonuses. My attitude is one more of bafflement--what the heck does The Big Guy think he can accomplish by aligning himself with a gang of knaves whose popularity right now is about the same as that of Fritzi the daughter-raper?

I know: if I'm so smart why ain't I rich? Rush cries all the way to the bank, and there is little evidence that he would profit from advice from me. But I do remember this: back in the Bush I years, Rush went all squiggly giggly over a president who let him sleep in the Lincoln bedroom. It was power of a sort, but it's worthwhile to remember that it also inflicted the worse curse the classs clown can fear: it made him boring. Slander, mockery, scabrous personal abuse--that's politics in the emerald city. But comforting the comfortable wins you nothing but a big yawn.

Update: Anna Gelpern, who does not have a talk show, makes a sophisticated version for the case against abrogation.

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