Monday, July 23, 2012

The Planets Must Be in Alignment

Wouldn't have expected I would ever find an occasion to say something nice about Rand Paul. Nor about James Sensenbrenner. And on the same day, yet. Jupiter must be in the cusp of Sagittarius.

Afterthought:  It is absolutely fine with me that so many Republicans are leaping to the defense of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's trusted aide who is a Muslim.  But--why, exactly?  In these fractured times, what did she do to earn a bye from the (seemingly) interminable partisan sweepstakes.  The only reason I can think of is my old favorite fallback: for all its rifts and cleavages, Washington belongs to the insiders.  Or as de Jouvenal said, there is more difference between two socialists, one of whom is a deputy and the other of whom is not, than there is between two deputies, one of whom is a socialist and the other of whom is not.  Seemingly even under conditions of near-open-warfare, it still works.   Is there any other possible reason?


Jimbo said...

Rand Paul, as far as I could tell from the linked article, didn't comment on Michele Bachmann's typical evil rant whereas Sensenbrenner's did of course. Sensenbrenner is a typical destructive Republican Congressman on most issues but I am glad to see this very rare admission of liberal values.

One hopes Bachmann will be defeated this time around.

Anonymous said...

I think this probably has more to do with dislike for Bachmann and Sarah Palin. Those two scare anyone with half a brain or more because they are idiotic. For half-wits like Rand Paul & senselessbrenner the fear probably comes from the thought of women who don't know their places...

Ebenezer Scrooge said...

Grover Norquist married a Palestinian Muslim--or so Wikipedia says. This strikes me as a more plausible justification than patriotism--or even tribalism for Paul's and Sensenbrenner's behavior.