Monday, December 03, 2007

We Traveled Around the World, and Didn't Notice

Turns out we have traveled around the world, and didn’t even notice.

Couple of years ago, we made all the way west to Kashgar in China, on the Kirghistan border, at longitude 76° 6’ 47” E.

Couple of weeks ago we made it all the way east to Varanasi (Benares) on the lower Ganges, which turns out to be longitude 83° 03’E. So, they overlap. So, we’ve completed the circle.

But on sober reflection—a couple of years ago, we were in Chennai (Madras) which is longitude 80° 10′ 12″ E. So, apparently we made it around the world then, and never noticed.

I am reminded of the cartoon caption: “Homer wants to travel around the world, but ‘I’d rather go someplace else.”

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